4 Colt Starting -Step 3 The Backup
5m 1s
What's up guys, Here at JG when using The Comfort Zone fundamentals of starting colts we like to start introducing the back up with the Lounge line. Follow along in this video for take aways to use at home.
* Making direct contact in the mouth when asking for the back up should be positive and natural. You don't want your colt to move forward when using this fundamental, you horse should be very comfortable with you being behind them.
* Applying light pressure asking to back up, as soon as she responds I give back and reward. You should feel the feet move and pressure released from the lines give back and reward then repeat.
* We use the lines as if they are reins. As soon as her feet move toward you release! As you work you are teaching them to get away from light pressure, in the same token we are teaching them to tolerate a little more pressure. In combination we are teaching her following her nose and yielding her hind quarters.